save money for travel

Funny Money Saving Tips – You Know You’ve Done These To Save A Buck

UPDATED FEB 2020. Well, what an intense week that was. The good news is that the election campaigning is officially over. Don’t worry this isn’t a political post. This is simply some lighthearted relief for all of us, no matter who you voted for because we do have some things in common. Like, I think we can all agree that the true winner was the Obama/Biden, the Joebama, memes. They really were the memes that united America, weren’t they? Another thing we all have in common is that most of us probably need a laugh and a holiday. With that in mind, here are some funny money saving tips to help you save extra money for your travels.

Funny Money Saving Tips – You Know You’ve Done These To Save A Buck

Warning: satire ahead. Here's a post on some of the funny money saving tips that will help you save more money for your travels.

1. Visit friends at mealtimes

Let’s face it, food is pretty expensive.

A good way to avoid that cost is to show up at your friend’s houses around mealtimes. This one is all in the timing though.

If it’s right at mealtime then you might’ve left it too late, they might assume you’ve already eaten or they might not have enough extras for you.

Instead, time your arrival just prior so that when they start to get the tummy rumbles, it’d be rude of them to start cooking a meal without offering you some and boom, you just got yourself a free meal.

Another key in this one is to pick your friends wisely.

Don’t go to the house of your bachelor mate who doesn’t know a fridge from a frypan but could easily recite the Dominoes menu.

They’re probably going to suggest take-out and then you have to chip in which is counterproductive to your saving goals.


2. Watch ALL the puppy videos

Does your heart melt when you see a puppy or kitten? Me too.

But, c’mon, those critters are also furry little, wet-nosed, sweet-eyed money drains.

If you want to get the heartwarming puppy cuddles feelings without the cost of an actual pet, there’s a cost-effective trick to help you save money for travel instead of spending it on puppy pads.

Just take a bit of time each day to YouTube all the cutest puppy and kitten videos you can.

Even if it’s just a video of a puppy looking at a camera.

As you sit there saying ‘awwwwww‘ and ‘OMG I can’t even‘ your heart will fill with those warm fuzzy vibes you love.

So you get all the goodness of a pet without having to spend the cash. Here’s a photo of my dog Bella to get you started.

Funny money saving tips

3. Post something political on Facebook

Ever wanted to avoid getting your family and friends gifts or avoid the expensive holiday seasons in general?

Well, now you can.

All you have to do is post something political on Facebook.

Don’t be acting all on the fence here either. It helps if you lean more to one side or the other and the most effective post will lean against what the majority of your friends and family believe.

Since everyone is so insecure and offended by differences of opinions, all you have to do is click ‘post’ and watch people remove themselves from your friends’ list.

It’s literally like the garden weeding itself.

If they don’t delete you, they’ll probably make comments, passive-aggressive statuses or send you private messages so rude that you won’t want to spend the holidays with them anyway.

Now, pat yourself on the back, you just saved yourself a bunch of cash on gifts.

Funny money saving tips

 4. Be a creative entrepreneur

If you want to step up your funny money saving tips game, get thinking about some new ways to save money for travel.

One good way would be to charge teenagers or college students to do their homework for them.

Don’t go for the independent, motivated college students either.

If they’re out working hard and paying rent then they don’t have money to pay you.

Go for the ones who are still living at home mooching off their families.

It’s really a goldmine scheme because if they’re dumb enough to pay you to do their homework they’re probably not the kind of people to do market research so you can charge what you want.

Get a couple of ideas like this under your sleeve and you have yourself a nice little cash stash to help fund your travels.

funny money saving tips

5. Avoid expensive cosmetics

Ladies, it’s simple.

If you don’t pretty yourself up, you won’t get dates.

And, if you don’t get dates, you don’t have to buy new outfits for said dates.

If you don’t have to buy new outfits, you save money for travel.

There you go, I just saved you a good chunk of change in exchange for loneliness. You’re welcome. I think.

Either way, you’ll get a holiday soon and forget all about the lonely times and if you do get lonely while waiting for your holiday, go watch some puppy videos on YouTube.

So there you have it, 5 funny money saving tips to help you save up for your vacation.

I hope this helps you get your travel fund started, or at the very least I hope it gave you a laugh because according to ALL my social media timelines everyone sure as hell needs one.


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  • Leslie @ The Real Uganda November 15, 2016 at 10:35 am

    Hilarious!! The world needs a giggle after last week. Now to go get myself a mojito….

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      Let’s each get one! 😀

  • Caroline November 19, 2016 at 5:46 pm

    This is bloody hilarious haha! I love the fast track way of cutting down on Christmas presents!

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      Haha works every time!

  • karen November 20, 2016 at 2:51 am

    This was hilarious. I don’t think my fb rants are epic enough although definitely agree about dinner. I prefer it the other way since it means we can just cook / not go out to a restauarant (so way cheaper!)

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:32 pm

      Yes so much cheaper! I don’t know how people eat out all the time, so expensive!

  • Eliza November 20, 2016 at 9:12 am

    hahaha, going to friends house for meals has never worked for me. All my friends come over in return!

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:32 pm

      Haha dang, they must’ve found the loophole!

  • Eva | Travel The Whole Wide World November 20, 2016 at 6:43 pm

    Love this post 😀 I need more friends in my area to visit, I guess…

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:33 pm

      Haha me too actually!

  • Jennifer Malka November 21, 2016 at 1:19 am

    These are excellent tips! especially the puppy videos… i watch TASTY videos and looks at videos of food and think about how hungry i am!

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:33 pm

      Hahaha I do that too! Always get so hungry after watching those videos!

  • Ro November 21, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    this is hysterical. my favorites are showing up at mealtime and posting the political stuff on FB. haha. fur sure, many ppl have less gifts to buy this year 🙂 have you tried any of these out? p.s. i watch puppy videos all the time.

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:35 pm

      Haha so true! I bet everyones list went down this year! I haven’t tried all of them but definitely guilty of being around other peoples houses at meal times lol!

  • Annie November 21, 2016 at 8:03 pm

    Hahaha this post is not what I was expecting, given the title. Absolutely entertaining, my favorite is posting something political on facebook to avoid buying presents since people will “unfriend” you. Very tongue in cheek!

    • Katie Mac November 29, 2016 at 2:36 pm

      Hehe had to post something a little lighter and hopefully offer up a laugh!

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